Artistic Freedom
This website documents violations of artistic freedom in Indonesia. The recorded data will strengthen the advocacy efforts of the Arts Coalition in promoting artistic freedom and human rights in general.
Report your case here!
Case Trend Over the Years
This data highlights the alarming repression of artistic freedom in Indonesia. It is high time for us to take an active role in safeguarding the implementation of artistic rights by documenting these violations on this website.

About the Website
- This platform facilitates the recording of cases related to violations of artistic freedom.
- The handling of complaints will be carried out by recommended external organizations.
- Recording cases is beneficial in formulating policies that support artistic freedom.

- All cases documented on this site are alleged violations.
- Koalisi Seni has no political affiliations. This site aims to guarantee public access to information on artistic freedom in Indonesia.
- This site is also intended to fulfill victims' rights. So data must not be used to discredit the victim or any party whatsoever.
- Koalisi Seni hereby disclaims any liability or responsibility arising from the use of information or data contained on this website by the third party. Any liability arising from the use of data is the responsibility of those who use the data.
- Cases of violations were obtained from the media and direct reports. The number of cases in the field may be higher due to limitation of data collection.